Gemstone installation
40ft x 10ft permanent installation at Savannah College of Art and Design.
Window display
Building sustainable display for The Paris Market and Gypsy World located in downtown Savannah, GA.
Performance Display
During city events and Krystal Sokolis offer live display within shop spaces to draw in the crowd.
Custom painting
6 x 4 custom forest themed tapestry and a photo booth inspired by the tapestry for retail space.
Upcycled Plant Life
We use brown paper bags to create plants. It is a green way to create fake foliage for display.
Upcycled insects
Bringing upcycled materials to life with 3D insect sculptures that have been made for shop display.
Community Arts project
With a mission for sustainable education, Jeromy Ross and Krystal Sokolis started the “Bottle Monster” movement.
SavannahNow Morning News
Showcased on SavannahNow live morning news
Bottle Monster Education
To take the “bottle monsters” one step further Jeromy Ross and Krystal Sokolis began educating children on constructing bottle monsters from trash.
WRUU 107.5 interview
Welcomed by host Rob Hessler and David for an hour long interview on the background and goals of The Revival Society created by Jeromy Ross and Krystal Sokolis to further this pursuit of sustainable design.
Bottle Bio-dome
This water bottle bio-dome was displayed for Earth day 2018.