A gallery view of our projects
Bus Build - @Soko_Skoolie
Converted a 2007 International 25 ft school bus into my moving studio. Follow us on instagram @soko_skoolie
The Revival Society - Lifestyle brand
Started a lifestyle brand curated from vintage treasure and local handmade goods. The shop is both online an a vendor space located at Atomic Furnishing in Asheville, NC.
Acrylic Paintings
Acrylic paintings with hand built frames.
Sleepy Town - book set design
Hand-carved column mold
Uniquely hand-crafted leather accessories
Segmented wood design
Sustainability education - Fungi
Guest taught a high school class how to construct 3D Fungi from recycled material.
Shadow Box sculptures
Hand-sculpted fungi and vegetables mounted in handmade shadow box frames.
Quilted Fungi and Cacti
Made from recycled materials and quilted with love.
Performance Display
Live painting performance in a boutique shop window for a city event.
WRUU 107.5 interview
Welcomed by host Rob Hessler and David for an hour long interview on the background and goals of The Revival Society created by Jeromy Ross and Krystal Sokolis to further this pursuit of sustainable design.
wayfair partnership - Christmas stockings
Wayfair has contacted Ophilya handmade to sell Christmas stockings under their White Label designs. Four different stockings designs will be sold on their website starting Christmas of 2019.
Upcycled Christmas Stockings
These Whimsy upcycled stockings are the perfect example of our zero-waste process. With reclaimed materials we cut out stocking designs, then with the scraps from this process we piece and sew them back together to make our patchwork stockings. Scraps are also turned into miniature Christmas stocking ornaments filled with upcycled wooden gifts. The pieces of fabric that are to small to create something new, are stuffed into the toes of the stockings to bring these designs to life.
"Delitescent" Fall 2018 - Thesis Collection
This is a gallery view of my Thesis work from the collection "Delitescent" which means hidden or concealed. This series of products consisted of Upcycled leather that was railroad-stitched back together to create unique exterior detailing. The handles are fabricated from segmenting small scraps of both wood and brass, and then finishing it with an epoxy resin.
It is a utilitarian design of drop down compartments that truly highlights the title " Delitescent" and shares a romantic nature of re-fabricating reclaimed materials to bring to life new and functional works of art.
Segmented wood projects
Part of our zero-waste process is to collect all of the scraps from previous creations to form new works of art. By segmenting pieces of wood back together we were able to fabricate small wooden boxes, handles for bags, jewelry, and more.
Russo’s Oyster Chucking Belt
Russo’s is Savannah, GA local seafood market. They requested a custom oyster chucking belt that would house all of the servers hand tools and condiments for chucking oysters. The center bucket is for the iced oysters and the two side buckets are for the discarded shells. The removable packets on the exterior are meant for condiments and the slip pockets on the harness are for the servers hand tools.
Hand-carved Gemstone Pendents
These hand-carved wood and stone pendants are beautiful representations of natures wonders. Since it is a strong belief that all of our creations have a purpose or slight function, we have made these to be used as stimming pendants, or worry stones. With an organic smooth surface they are meant to sooth the soul while forming a unique patina over time.
SCAD Fahm Hall Gemstone Installation 2018
Our mission was to build large scale display from as much reclaimed material as possible. We utilized over 50 pounds of sheets, curtains, and table cloths that were hand-dyed and stretched over welded metal frames. To achieve the glossy finish we coated each stone shape in epoxy resin. In the evening the stone would glow from back lit LED lights.
earth day Bottle Monster
These upcycled bottle monsters were created from nothing but cardboard, paper, tape, and paint. With a simple mission of collecting bottles we were able to grab the attention of our local community with this comical approach to recycling.
Bottle Monster education
As part of preparation for Earth day 2018 we began sustainable design education by working with kids on building bottle monsters. Purposefully working with a low-income school we were able to develop a internal recycling system within the school itself. The janitor, kids, and teachers began bringing in recyclables from their homes and within the school to build their own bottle monsters to display within the community.
As a way to raise money the DeRenee middle school was able to set up a stand to sell upcycled shirt designs at Earth Day in order to make money for their classes art supplies.
Bottle Monster Design Winner
To bring awareness to all ages we worked with preschool to 3rd grade students on bottle monster designs. From there, we chose one design to bring to life.
“Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.”
Earth Day Bottle Dome 2018
This bottle dome was made from 7,000 plastic water bottles that have been collected in a 4 month span from the community of Savannah, GA. In order to collect the bottles we created upcycled bottle monsters to pass around the city for a fun way to bring awareness to our cause. We exposed the bottle dome for the first time at Earth Day at Forsyth Park in downtown Savannah. At that moment we were 3,000 bottles shy from completion. Each bottle we collected was cut into threes, the top half was stripped and drilled in order to hand sew each half onto the outside of the dome. The bottom half of the bottles were stapled together and lined the interior of the dome.
Congress for New Urbanism - CNU Event 2018
The objective was to build a pop-up park within the Civic Center parking lot that will seat 300-500 individuals with a couple dome-like structures to build height, and interest. We truly have a super force of a team for this event. Designers such as Tara Garrigan, Phil Credi, Sean Keath, Jeromy Ross, Krystal Sokolis, and Matt Toole will be designing and constructing.
Computer rendering of layout and bench designs by industrial designer Phil Caridi. The first design was made to have bent ply and large rectangular concrete pilasters. With this design we would have had to purchase brand new materials.
By analyzing the amount of reclaimed materials we can implement into the seating Caridi redesigned the benches. With the circular bases we now have the ability to use 5 gallon plastic buckets we have collected from local restaurants for the molds and during the process of mixing concrete there will be added materials such as brick shards, glass, Styrofoam, and other fillers to create a lighter form and lessen the material cost.
Thanks to Oatland Island Wildlife located in Savannah, GA we have a facility to build at. Since this is a job that requires man power we are welcoming volunteers to join the team in bettering our local community and being apart of an ecological movement. No experience necessary, we are happy to guide you through each process. Click below for the sign up sheet.
The Paris Market Window Display 2016 - 2017
We began in 2016 building The Paris Market windows with the experience collective. by 2017 we branched off and began experimenting and constructing display from reclaimed or upcycled materials.
OPEN STUDIO - Saturday, May 20th 6:00 - 9:00pm
Let’s make art together!! We are hosting a celebration of life, love, and art that instills within us the passion for making. There will be a variety of activities provided designed in a way that can infuse our creative minds as one! And if that isn’t your cup of tea, drinks, live music, appetizers, and some uniquely creative company will be present as well…… So if you have a moment to spare, please join us in our festivities
A potluck table if you feel the need to share some treats or drinks, otherwise just bring yourself!
Project Request- Giant Flowers
These poppy flowers range from 3-6ft and are made from tissue paper, concrete, wire, and whole foods bags. Made as display for Paris Market in downtown Savanah, GA
Hosting display class - MAY 6th (Class Full)
Atlas Obscura is coming to town. May 6th 2017 we will be hosting a small 1 hour class at The paris market on building display within a medium size cloche. We are in preparation mode creating elements for students to incorporate.
Upcycled Handmade Pinata
This was a giant upcycled piñata that was made from nothing more then beer boxes, tape, and tissue paper. The interior was then filled with candy. Since it was a party for a 28 year old it was made to take a beating. The end result ended with Jeromy taking a hatchet to it because it was so incredibly tough.
Trash Made Insects
It is important for us to respect all materials, because everything takes energy to create. Within our studio we have developed trash mostly from packaging materials. With a mission to generate a zero-waste process we use scrap paper, boxes, tape, etc. to make these large upcycled insects.
Upcycled Whole Foods Ivy
We never understood the concept of fake plants due to its juxtaposition of mocking a life sustaining organism and its non-biodegradable aspects of plastic greenery pollutes our precious environment. So of course the challenge we were presented with was to create fake foliage to hang from large planters. To work around this crisis of environmental mockery we built these vines of ivy from whole foods brown paper bags. So therefore they are not only upcycled but can also be recycled.
ASI Tea company Label illustrations 2017
ASI yaupon tea company located in Savannah, GA requested hand drawn images for their packaging and labels. These drawings are illustrated with both graphite and micron.
Gemstone monoprint installation 2016
With a technique of water color screen printing we were able to create organic one-of-kind gemstone mono-prints. After the prints were created we began cutting out each stone to mount them in a elevated arrangement along the side of a wall.
Entomology study illustrated - 2016
These illustrations were part of a performance piece in the retail space of The Paris Market in downtown Savannah, GA.