Mastering the Craft of Crafting Unforgettable Spaces through Display and Installation
Ophilya Handmade products can be found in boutiques all across America, but if you're searching for the one-of-a-kind custom creations, there's only one place to discover them: Atomic Furnishing in Asheville, NC.
The toughest part of running a business is grabbing your customers' attention. Display and installation offer a chance to bring a genuinely unique element to a space by crafting an attention-grabbing retail display. The key to leaving a lasting impression on your customers is mastering the art of product staging and designing customized props. So, don't be afraid to think big!
Yes! I do wholesale. I personally create each product, our wholesale catalog is restricted to my individual production capacity. If you're interested in a customized wholesale order, please don't hesitate to reach out via email at